Cooking Food Every Day
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Cooking Food Every Day

After I began working from home, I realized that I had the special opportunity to be able to cook at home every day. While most people were working until later in the afternoon, I had time to go to the grocery store, get what I needed, and make a lovely dinner for my family to enjoy. In addition to helping my kids to enjoy better health, I was also able to hone my cooking skills, which was really fun. Now I can honestly say that I love cooking and preparing food, and I wanted to make a blog that centered around my new passion. Check out this website for great tips on cooking and enjoying foods each and every day.


Cooking Food Every Day

What Are You Doing With Your Used Starbucks K Cups?

Antonio Alexander

Coffee – the one thing that gets so many people going in the morning, keeps them going in the afternoon and soothes them in the evening. So, when you're using those little Starbucks k-cups to make each cup of life, you're going to find yourself swimming in empty k-cups. Instead of tossing them in the trash, it's time to get busy doing something fun with the kids with them. Here, you'll find a few ideas that can inspire the kids to get creative and keep those k-cups out of the trash.

Party Lights

Every kid loves to hang party lights in their bedrooms, so why not give them a chance to make their very own, custom party lights. All you'll need is some cleaned out used k-cups, a knife to poke holes, and a strand of twinkle lights. Start by poking holes in the bottom of each cup. The hole needs to be only large enough to slip one of the lights through without the cup falling back off when it's hanging.

Once the hole is punched, the cups can be decorated in any way that your kids want to do it. If they are going to paint them, make sure that they are coated with a layer of primer before the paint is applied – unless you don't mind the paint peeling later. The kids can add stickers or cut pictures out of magazines – whatever they want – the options are limitless.

After they've dried, push a lightbulb through each hole and hang the light strand. Your kids will love making this project as much as they will enjoy having it illuminating their bedrooms at night.

Herb Garden

Those little k-cups make the perfect planters to grow a small herb garden. Just wash the cups out, put a few pebbles in the bottom for drainage and fill them with soil. Push the seeds into the soil and watch them grow. Just make sure not to forget to water them as they need it.

You can also use these to start seedlings for the next growing season. Start the seedlings inside, and when it's time to plant, you just have to cut a slit down the side, pop the baby plant out and set it down into the soil. Get creative with how you use your old k-cups. If you can't find a way to use them, consider talking with the schools and daycares in your area – they will love to have them for the kids to make all sorts of fun things with.

For more information, contact a company like 11th Street Coffee.
